This pristine 1040-sq-km wilderness area, formerly known as the Maputo Elephant Reserve, is situated between Maputo Bay in the north and Tembe Elephant Park in the south. At the request of the Mozambique Government, ranger training and leadership development commenced on 15 June 2016. This was delivered by instructors on-site in the reserve and also in the Greater Lebombo Conservancy as part of the overall operation there.Skills included:
- Carrying out of Law Enforcement tasks
- Monitoring of high risk species
- Collecting information on animal mortalities
- Observing watering holes and checking fences
- Collecting information on animal numbers and distribution
- Reporting on activities outside the reserve
MSR, incorporating the Mozambique Channel, is one of the most biodiverse places in southern Africa. Elephants, duiker, kudu, reedbuck, waterbucks, changes, kudos, pivas, changanes, crocodiles and a wide variety of bird species can be seen.
The marine fauna is also varied, including whales, dolphins, marine turtles that build nests along the coast and countless fish species. The area has acted a main transit route for illicit trade between South Africa and Mozambique. Rangers on station here help protect one of the most valuable habitats (Maputoland regional center of endemism).
A Centre of Endemism is an area in which the ranges of restricted-range species overlap, or a localised area which has a high occurrence of endemics. Centers of endemism may overlap with biodiversity hotspots which are biogeographic regions characterized both by high levels of plant endemism and by serious levels of habitat loss.